Healing after dental implants: What to expect as you recover from surgery

Dental implants are the best choice if you want to permanently restore missing teeth and protect your oral health, too. Because implants are an investment, it’s best if you know what to expect throughout the process before making a final decision.

Today we’ll answer: What can you expect after dental implant surgery at City Point Dental in Hopewell, VA? Let’s get into it.

Bleeding after your surgery

Dr. Baker will place gauze on the surgical site after your procedure. Bite down and leave this in place to help with bleeding. He will also give you some extra gauze so that when a pack becomes completely soaked, you can swap it out for a new one.

Heavy bleeding should stop within a few hours, but you may notice some red or pink saliva for up to 24-48 hours after your procedure.

Managing pain and discomfort

After your numbing and sedation wear off, you may feel some pain and discomfort. You can take any prescribed medication to deal with this or take an over-the-counter medication like Aleve, Tylenol, or Advil. 

Icing your face near the surgical site can also help with pain. For the most part, symptoms like pain and swelling will peak and then begin to fade within a few days. Most patients are able to get back to work and their daily routine within just 1-2 days.

Oral hygiene and lifestyle recommendations

You can brush your other teeth normally, but we recommend avoiding your surgical site for at least 3 days to avoid discomfort, irritation, and bleeding. You can rinse your mouth gently with salt water or a prescription mouth rinse to keep the surgical site clean. After 3 days, you can brush near the surgical site, but be gentle to avoid irritating it.

We also recommend avoiding heavy exercise and exertion for 3-4 days after your treatment, as this will help prevent bleeding and discomfort. If you’re a smoker, it’s best to quit smoking completely after you get dental implants. Smoking dramatically raises your risk of improper healing, infections, and other complications.

Dietary changes and restrictions

You’ll want to eat mostly soft foods for the first few days after you get your implants. Yogurt, smoothies, soft fruits like bananas, scrambled eggs, and other such foods are the best options. You should avoid chewing on your implant site as much as possible.

After 3-7 days, you can introduce some firmer foods into your diet like soft bread, chicken, and noodles. Between 7-14 days, you can usually eat most of the foods you would normally eat, but we still recommend avoiding sharp, tough, and crunchy foods that could irritate the implant site.

Continued healing and follow-ups

Initial healing takes about two weeks after your implant surgery, but it will take up to 6 months for your jaw bone to fully heal around your implant. During this time, you’ll need to come back to City Point Dental for follow-ups with Dr. Baker. He’ll check on your healing progress and work with you on the next step of your personalized implant plan. Make sure to come to your appointments as scheduled at City Point Dental!

Explore your options for tooth replacement in Hopewell, VA

If you’ve lost one or more of your teeth and you’re wondering if dental implants are the right option for you, Dr. Baker and the team at City Point Dental can help. As experts in implant dentistry in Hopewell, VA, we can help you explore your options, decide if implants are a good choice, and take the next steps toward restoring your smile. Contact us online or give us a call at (804) 541-1896 to get started.


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